
The Deeds component is taking all the paper records in the Registrar General’s Department and converting them to digital copies. This process not only makes it easier to search for and recover information, but it also makes it more secure, as more than one copy of the information can be held in different locations.

The digital documents may be accessed by querying a dedicated database in a variety of ways, such as: PIN, Deed Transcript Number, name of right holder, address of property, etc. The process greatly reduces time and effort for notaries.

Deeds application first enables upload of scanned deeds to server. Copying and pasting ensures less error-prone recording of information. By uploading deeds to server we have made storing more efficient by linking deeds, providing flexible search and retrieving documents in digital form.

Email and dashboard alerts are sent to MHL and VD for efficient cadastre update and valuation of sales transactions.


  • Advanced search (name, date, number, containing parameters and other combinations)
  • Linking deeds to deeds, LS plans/reports and land parcels
  • Performing digital marginal entries and erasures
  • Generation certifies copies
  • Running management reports
  • Monitor land sales and transfer of shares valuation validations
  • Currency and units converter
  • Generating pre-formatted letters
  • User-role control permits different users to have different access
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