A Success of the CryoHackathon 2023

The first edition of the CryoHackathon, organised by the Early Career Glaciologist Group (EGG) of the International Glaciological Society (IGS), ended successfully on Sunday 19 February 2023. The overall goal of all participants having an exciting weekend of fun and working together on cryosphere-related projects was achieved in a nice, inclusive and respectful atmosphere! We're happy to be a partner and enable the winning team to further develop their idea with the help of Sentinel Hub services.

Join the Sentinel Hub Webinar: Use of EO Data in Search and Rescue

Join us on February 27th 2023 at 4pm CET and discover the incredible power of Earth Observation (EO) data for search and rescue missions! Our special guest, Benjamin Kuo, will share his expertise on the various types of imagery data available, including commercial options from Airbus, Maxar, and Capella, as well as open Sentinel data. You'll get a first-hand look at the pros, cons, and challenges of working with EO data, and hear inspiring examples of how satellite data has aided in successful search and rescue operations. Don't miss this exciting opportunity - secure your spot today!

Copernicus Data Access Service Delivers First Results

The European Union's Copernicus programme is taking a big leap forward with the launch of its new Copernicus Data Access Service. As announced in December, this innovative project, led by experienced players, will transform the way users process and access vast amounts of open and free Earth Observation (EO) data from the Copernicus Sentinels and Contributing Missions. You can now access EO data through the Copernicus Browser and unleash its full potential.

Start of the EvoLand Project

Evolution of the Copernicus Land Service Portfolio - The new Horizon Europe project, EvoLand, was officially launched on 17–18 January 2023 in Leuven, Belgium. The project aims to integrate novel EO and in-situ data with advanced machine learning methods to develop innovative approaches, algorithms, and candidate Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) prototypes for continuous monitoring of land surface status, dynamics, and biomass. Sinergise is one of ten partners from five EU countries in this three-year research and development project.

ESA and Sinergise to Collaborate on Promotion of EO Space Entrepreneurship

European Space Agency (ESA) has signed a letter of intent with Sinergise to foster Earth observation (EO) entrepreneurship and encourage the development of EO commercial solutions. The collaboration will target companies supported by ESA Φ-lab, the InCubed EO commercialisation programme, ESA’s Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) and ESA Technology Brokers.

Big News for Sinergise and the Earth Observation Community

Together with partners in the T-Systems International consortium, Sinergise has signed a contract with the European Space Agency and the European Commission to set up a Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CDAS) system worth a total of €150 million. On Friday, December 16, the new Copernicus Data Access Service kicked-off, taking the European Union Copernicus program to the next level and ensuring the data to make the greatest possible impact to institutional users, the research community, the commercial sector as well as to every citizen of our planet.

Velik uspeh podjetja Sinergise

Podjetje Sinergise je s partnerji v konzorciju T-Systems International z Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo ter Evropsko komisijo podpisalo pogodbo za vzpostavitev sistema za shranjevanje, procesiranje in distribucijo podatkov sistema Copernicus (Copernicus Space Component Data Access ‒ CDAS) v skupni vrednosti 150 milijonov evrov.

Sentinel Hub Through the Eyes of One of Its Co-Creators

Sentinel Hub makes satellite data easily accessible for you to browse or analyse in your own environment. Imagine a cross between the Microsoft Planetry computer and the Google Earth Engine, and you will probably think of Sentinel Hub. Listen to the interview with Grega Milčinski, CEO of Sinergise, where he explains everything you need to know about Sentinel Hub's services and beyond.

Sharing Our Knowledge

The First Sinergise Summer School Recap
Last week we wrapped our very first edition of Summer School. It was an exciting week for all of us, for the Sinergisers who created a great overall presentation of our company and the technologies we use, and for the participants who were eager to learn how we leverage satellite imagery to create modern applications. The programme consisted of a combination of short introductory lectures followed by practical exercises adapted to the experience and previous knowledge of the participants.


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