Unlocking Machine Learning Potential Using openEO - Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Webinar

The openEO API instance offered in the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem enables the creation of large-scale maps using time series pixel classification at relatively low operational costs. In addition, workflows remain simple and maintainable as all complexity is handled by the backend.

Slovenija, polnopravna članica Evropske vesoljske agencije

Slovenija je s 1. januarjem 2025 postala polnopravna članica Evropske vesoljske agencije (ESA). Veseli nas, da je lahko tudi Sinergise del te uspešne zgodbe, ki prinaša številne gospodarske koristi in razvoj visoke tehnologije. Pod okriljem Slovenske vesoljske pisarne v sodelovanju z RTV Slovenija je ob tem prelomnem dogodku nastala izobraževalna serija Veliki slovenski pok, ki predstavlja pomen sodelovanja v vesoljski agenciji in slovenski doprinos na številnih področjih raziskav.

Slovenia, a Full Member of the European Space Agency

Slovenia became a full member of the European Space Agency (ESA) on January 1, 2025. We are proud that Sinergise can be part of this success story, which brings numerous economic benefits and promotes the development of advanced technologies. Under the auspices of the Slovenian Space Office and in cooperation with RTV Slovenia, an educational series titled "Veliki slovenski pok" (The Big Slovenian Bang) was created to mark this milestone. The series highlights the importance of participation in the Space Agency and Slovenia's contributions in various fields of research.

Broad Area Management Through Satellite Imagery and Data

Broad area management is the practice of monitoring, measuring, and reporting changes across large, dispersed areas using Earth observation data. This approach enables stakeholders to identify patterns, make informed decisions, and respond quickly to dynamic conditions, such as forest health, deforestation activity, and other land use.

Copernicus Satellite Imagery for Ship Spotting - Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Webinar

Join the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem webinar on December 11 at 14:00 CET (13:00 UTC). We will introduce you to online platforms for monitoring shipping traffic and show you how to compare their data with Sentinel imagery using the intuitive Copernicus Browser. Learn how to use Sentinel-1 SAR data to monitor shipping traffic through the clouds and even estimate the speed of fast-moving vessels.

Sentinel Satellite Data for Mountain Sports and Safety - Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Webinar

Join the next Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem webinar on 22 October 2024 at 16:00 CEST (14:00 UTC). Our special guest Michael Engel will use examples from his experience as a mountaineer and tour guide, and explain how remote sensing data can significantly enhance safety in mountaineering and how simple web applications can already offer substantial benefits in hiking area management.

How to use open satellite imagery in support of mountain sports - Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Webinar

Have you ever planned your mountain trip using the latest satellite images? Or shared your route with friends overlaid on a satellite photo? Have you thought of embedding the latest satellite imagery in the smartphone outdoor mapping application you use? We hope to show you how all this can be done, and why it can help you stay safe and enjoy the adventure even more. Join our next Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem webinar on 23 July at 14:00 CEST.

Dig even deeper into insights with the Digital Twin of Alps!

A new addition to the collection of analysis tools for Terrain and Glacier motion services is now available through the GEP platform. A detailed time-series viewer was implemented for the datasets available in the Digital Twin of Alps (DTA) platform, making it now possible to plot displacement time-series, mean velocity and elevation along transects, and also to change the scale and filter out points based on their velocity.

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Webinar: Teaching Geography with Satellite Imagery

Join us for our upcoming Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem webinar on 23 May 2024 at 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC) where we will demonstrate how to use satellite imagery for geography education! We'll show you how to search, explore and navigate satellite imagery to explain geographic patterns and processes. Our limited ability to understand scale is often a barrier to understanding what forms the Earth system. We can only understand what we see with our own eyes, but the processes that create landscapes are often hidden.


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