
 14 Apr 15

On Thursday, 9.5.2015, a public presentation of the project outcome, as well as overall presentation of mass valuation practices happened in Baku, Azerbaijan. Several Azeri news agencies participated, as well as people from Ministry of finance and other ministries.

Within the project Sinergise has developed several applications:

 31 Mar 15

The HERCULES project is in full swing and we continue to develop Knowledge Hub - a repository of spatial data paired with web-based GIS application.

 15 Mar 15
space expo

Sinergise actively participated in the European Space Expo, that visited Ljubljana from 6 - 15 March 2015 (Kongresni trg).

The Expo presented key information on the European space programmes - from satellite navigation (Galileo and EGNOS) to Earth observation (Copernicus) in an engaging and entertaining way. Highlights include the 'OmniGlobe' - an interactive hologram of the earth's atmosphere, an impressive model of the 'Galileo' satellite and lots more...

 09 Jan 15
Block status

Sinergise is supporting our partners from Czech Republic (CleverMaps and Ekotoxa) with provision of infrastructure for mass update of LPIS data in France. The client is Institut Géographique National France.

 21 Oct 14

At Sinergise we have designed and implemented a community-based Knowledge Hub for Good Landscape Practice as part of the HERCULES project (“Sustainable futures for Europe’s HERitage in CULtural landscapES”).

 20 Oct 14

At Sinergise we have developed a field data collection tool for mobile devices. This enables you to collect field data or conduct field surveys easier than ever before.

System includes advanced GIS tools which allow for quick and efficient capturing, editing or displaying of geographic information. It is a cloud based application which further simplifies data collection and most importantly, ensures the highest quality of results.

 09 Oct 14
CleverMaps in Serbia

We have established a subsidiary in Serbia, which will focus to solutions for agriculture.

More information about CleverFarm, please visit:

Subsidiary address:

CleverFarm d.o.o.
Dvorac Fantast, Bačkotopolski put
Bečej, Serbia

 06 Aug 14
Subsidiary in Moldova

Republic of Moldova has recently signed an association agreement with European Union. To support their needs in land administration and agriculture fields, we have established a subsidiary, Laboratory for geographical information systems s.r.l, lead by Honorary Consul General of Republic of Slovenia, Leonard Gorceac.

 28 May 14
Sinergise 3D viewer

One of the latest developments at Sinergise has been the introduction of a web-browser-based 3D viewer of Slovenia.

 25 Apr 14
Development of MOLDLIS

Sinergise has been awarded the project "Development of MOLDLIS – a Real Property Information System for Moldova", funded by Norwegian Mapping Authority, to be used by Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre of the Republic of Moldova and by its State Enterprise CADASTRU.

The project, led by Sinergise, involves four partners:
