
 04 Sep 19
Join Us at ESA EO Phi-Week 2019

Join us at the one of the biggest European EO events of its kind — the European Space Agency (ESA) EO Phi-Week, which will take place at ESRIN, Frascati, Italy on September 9–13, 2019. The event will offer a review of the latest developments in Open Science trends with a focus on EO Open Science and FutureEO. We are pleased to extend ESA’s invitation and recommend you to join our activities.

 29 Jul 19

We have already announced our support of Group on Earth Observations (GEO) — Amazon Web Services (AWS) Earth Observation Cloud Credits Programme and introduced details of GEO and AWS partnership. The Programme committed to award projects improving understanding of our planet with $1.5 million USD worth of cloud services, grants and technical support. The resources will help 21 projects from 17 developing countries to realize the potential of Earth Observation (EO) for sustainable development. We are looking forward to seeing EO applications developed within these projects, particularly those using Sentinel Hub services.

 01 Jul 19
Successfuly Delivered EO VAS Project

The results for the Earth Observation Value Adding Services (EO VAS) were successfully delivered. The project fulfilled its goals in reshaping Earth Observation (EO) Value Chain by significantly simplifying development and delivery of EO Added Value Services. EO VAS is built around Sinergise’s Copernicus Masters 2016 Award-winning Sentinel Hub – an engine for archiving, processing and distribution of satellite data, and GeoVille’s extensive set of processing algorithm.

 22 May 19
The EO platforms eco-system

The Data Cube Facility Service project has started! With our partners Brockmann Consult, EOX IT Services, Gisat, Planet and guidance by European Space Agency, we will integrate and expand existing services to establish the one service for all kinds of processing.

 01 Apr 19
Sinergise Supports GEO in Projects That Improve Understanding of Our Planet

The use of Sentinel Hub services is offered over a three-year period in total worth of €300 000 to successful applicants of the Group on Earth Observations — Amazon Web Services Earth Observation Cloud Credits Programme. This contribution supports countries and organizations planning to use Earth observation data to monitor progress against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

 20 Mar 19
Sentinel Hub Custom Script Contest

Exciting news for all Remote Sensing enthusiasts! The Sentinel Hub Custom Script Contest has started.

Write a custom script for the Sentinel Hub EO Browser and win attractive prizes, including a trip to the European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), home of ESA’s centre for Earth Observation.

 05 Mar 19
EnviroLENS Project

We are honored to be part of the EnviroLENS, a Horizon 2020 innovation project funded by the European Commission, which aims to demonstrate and promote the use of Earth Observation (EO) as direct evidence for environmental law enforcement, including in a court of law and in related contractual negotiations. By using European satellite capacities, such as those provided by Copernicus, EnviroLENS aims at responding to the demands of the environmental legal sector in the context of evidence-based decision-making processes.

 22 Feb 19
2019 Conference on Big Data from Space

We are honored to receive a well-deserved recognition of our EO research team's efforts at 2019 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS'19). The Conference was jointly organised by European Space Agency, European Union Satellite Centre, Joint Research Centre and hosted by DLR - German Aerospace Center. BiDS'19 took place on 19-21 February, 2019 in Munich, Germany.

 05 Feb 19
Azerbaijan Land Cover Monitoring System

Sinergise has been awarded development, installation and operation of Land Cover Monitoring System by the State Committee on Property Issues (SCPI) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The goal of the project is to develop a system for manual and automatic detection of changes of land using satellite imagery.

 09 Jan 19
Crop maturity based on the multi-temporal processing (image by Pierre Markuse).

Sentinel Hub’s Roadmap for 2019

Sentinel Hub has been operating in production for more than two years, processing millions of requests every day. Many people see it as a tool to produce nice images, powering apps like EO Browser and filling a Twitter feed. In reality, though, it is much more. Sentinel Hub is a data driver to satellite images stored in a cloud, abstracting and generalizing a complexity of various formats, meta-data, processing chains, etc., and making the data available in a faster manner. In coming weeks we will be introducing a new API to make this process even more straightforward. Many new things will follow…
