Sen4CAP Hands-on Training in Brussels
The Sentinels for Common Agricultural Policy - Sen4CAP hands-on training held on January 22-23 and hosted by the Université catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve, near Brussels in Belgium, is announcing the project’s final stage. It was a pleasure to participate in successful training where the participants learned how to install and use the open-source Sen4CAP system in the cloud.
Sen4CAP has been setup by European Space Agency in direct collaboration and on request from DG-Agri, DG-Grow and DG-JRC. It aims at providing to the European and national stakeholders of the CAP validated algorithms, products, workflows and best practices for agriculture monitoring relevant for the management of the CAP. It provides also an evidence on how Sentinel derived information can support the modernization and simplification of the CAP.
As part of the consortium which includes Université catholique de Louvain (leading partner), CS Romania, GISAT, e-GEOS and Sinergise, we were participating in the hands-on training for 44 participants from 20 different countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden.
The first day was dedicated to theoretical lectures on the Sen4CAP system and its processors. The second day was all about practice - the participants worked with the Sen4CAP system on Unix Virtual Machines on CREODIAS, learned about system installation and explored the Sen4CAP products. See the agenda here.
You can also download the presentations: Day 1, Day 2.
For more information about the project we invite you to visit the Sen4CAP official web page.
Project has received funding from ESA, to deliver to the European and national stakeholders of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) validated algorithms, products and use cases for agriculture monitoring at national scale relevant for the management of the CAP.