Join the Global Earth Monitor webinar on 14 February 2023! - The H2020 Global Earth Monitoring (GEM) project, which aims to address the challenge of continuously monitoring large areas in a sustainable and cost-effective way, is entering its final phase. We invite you to participate in our webinar organized in collaboration with project partners TomTom, European Union Satellite Centre, Technische Universität München and meteoblue AG to learn all about the project results and follow step-by-step exercises using the resources of GEM.
European Space Agency (ESA) has signed a letter of intent with Sinergise to foster Earth observation (EO) entrepreneurship and encourage the development of EO commercial solutions. The collaboration will target companies supported by ESA Φ-lab, the InCubed EO commercialisation programme, ESA’s Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs) and ESA Technology Brokers.
Together with partners in the T-Systems International consortium, Sinergise has signed a contract with the European Space Agency and the European Commission to set up a Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CDAS) system worth a total of €150 million. On Friday, December 16, the new Copernicus Data Access Service kicked-off, taking the European Union Copernicus program to the next level and ensuring the data to make the greatest possible impact to institutional users, the research community, the commercial sector as well as to every citizen of our planet.
We look forward to meeting you in person at the 26th MARS conference, which will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from 12 to 14 September. The conference is jointly organised by the Joint Research Centre, the Spanish Paying Agency and the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of Catalonia, and brings together professionals from the field of management and control of area-based subsidy schemes. It addresses the technologies, methods and protocols that ensure effectiveness and efficiency in this field.
Sentinel Hub makes satellite data easily accessible for you to browse or analyse in your own environment. Imagine a cross between the Microsoft Planetry computer and the Google Earth Engine, and you will probably think of Sentinel Hub. Listen to the interview with Grega Milčinski, CEO of Sinergise, where he explains everything you need to know about Sentinel Hub's services and beyond.
The First Sinergise Summer School Recap
Last week we wrapped our very first edition of Summer School. It was an exciting week for all of us, for the Sinergisers who created a great overall presentation of our company and the technologies we use, and for the participants who were eager to learn how we leverage satellite imagery to create modern applications. The programme consisted of a combination of short introductory lectures followed by practical exercises adapted to the experience and previous knowledge of the participants.
It was a pleasure to participate in the European Space Agency’s Living Planet Symposium in Bonn, Germany last month. During this five-day symposium, organised with the support of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), we held a variety of activities, including talks, presentations, demos, trainings, and poster sessions. It was exciting to meet so many brilliant minds, scientists, technical professionals as well as researchers in the Earth Observation (EO) environment in person, and attended many interesting sessions.
Are you a student or a young professional who wants to learn more about the technologies and tools used to develop advanced applications to monitor our planet? Would you like to learn how we use satellite data for this purpose? Do you enjoy programming and want to improve your skills? Would you like your solutions to have a real impact on the world? If you answered "yes" at least once, then you will not want to miss our first Summer School, July 4-8, 2022.
As part of the European Space Agency’s Living Planet Symposium on 23–27 May 2022 in Bonn, Germany, we will be giving several talks and participating in poster sessions. This symposium focuses on how Earth observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional EO landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions. We look forward to meeting you in Bonn.
Join our webinars dedicated to Query Planet, an ESA-funded and PhiLab-supported project that aims to facilitate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to build large-scale Earth Observation applications exploiting Sentinel-2 and commercial data sources. The goal of the project is to create and open-source AI solutions that tackle state-of-the-art and compelling EO challenges. These use-cases build on the Sentinel Hub service and the open-source eo-learn library.