Sentinel Hub Through the Eyes of One of Its Co-Creators

Sentinel Hub makes satellite data easily accessible for you to browse or analyse in your own environment. Imagine a cross between the Microsoft Planetry computer and the Google Earth Engine, and you will probably think of Sentinel Hub. Listen to the interview with Grega Milčinski, CEO of Sinergise, where he explains everything you need to know about Sentinel Hub's services and beyond. The interview was brought to you by the MapScaping Podcast and its host Daniel O’Donohue.
"The Earth observation sector is still in a phase where contributing to just growing it is probably more important then growing your own position within it." - Grega Milčinski, CEO of Sinergise and co-founder of Sentinel Hub
Tune in to the interview below to learn about the architecture of Sentinel Hub, what you can do with this cloud API for satellite imagery, how it differs from other services and more generally about the EO industry itself, where it is today and where it might be in the future. They also talk about the Common Agricultural Policy, Area Monitoring, EO Browser and more.
Read more in the MapScaping Podcast.