Dig even deeper into insights with the Digital Twin of Alps!

A new addition to the collection of analysis tools for Terrain and Glacier motion services is now available through the GEP platform. A detailed time-series viewer was implemented for the datasets available in the Digital Twin of Alps (DTA) platform, making it now possible to plot displacement time-series, mean velocity and elevation along transects, and also to change the scale and filter out points based on their velocity.
Read more about the tools here.
In the DTA demonstrator you can access ground motion products for glaciers and landslides monitoring have been processed over the eastern Alps with the GEP services. The services were used to process the full archive of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for an AOI of 20,000+ km2 and allow for monitoring very slow (0.005-0.1 m/year) and rapid (> 1 m/year) movement, giving a thorough overview of the unstable slopes (e.g. landslides, valley subsidence or glacier motions) in the Alps. This is just one of the numerous services available on the platform, discover more on the website: https://digitaltwinalps.com/